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Roseville, CA vs Rocklin, CA - Cost of Living Comparison

Geoff Goolsby

As a fiercely competitive real estate agent with a passion for seeing my clients succeed, I've dedicated my career since 2012 to not just meeting, but...

As a fiercely competitive real estate agent with a passion for seeing my clients succeed, I've dedicated my career since 2012 to not just meeting, but...

Feb 8 4 minutes read

So you’re trying to decide between Roseville or Rocklin. In this blogpost, I’m going to break down the costs of each one and provide some information that might help you decide between the two. 

I might be partial but I’ve seen the greater Roseville area grow over time and there is so much to enjoy about both cities and a lot to compare. So I wanted to break down the 3 major costs of living in these cities to help decide which one is right for you.

Cost of Housing

1. Roseville's housing prices

  • Median Home Price: $681,000
  • Median Rent: $2,843

2. Rocklin's housing prices

  • Median Home asking  Price:  $775,000
  • Median Rent: $2,947

Note: Roseville is about 12% less for buying and 4% less for renting.

Average Household Income

Roseville’s leading industries include Health Care and Social Services, Retail, Accommodation and Food Services, and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, which yields on average one of the higher median household income averages in the US.

  • Median household income: $95,519

Rocklin’s leading industries are the same which yields on average one of the highest median household income averages in the US.

  • Median household income:$100,644

 Curious to see what homes are currently available in Roseville or Rocklin?

Click the link in the description box to take a peek at what’s live on the market right now!

Cost of taxes and HOA

Rocklin - additional taxes $3454

  • Plus HOA dues in Whitney ranch $87
  • Roseville Mello Roos - $3,137
  • Safe to say that you’ll pay about $110 more per month for a newer home in Rocklin

Cost of Utilities

1. Roseville

  • Total - about  $320
  • Electric - $135
  • Gas - $72
  • Water Sewer Trash - $118

2. Rocklin

  • Total - about  $484
  • Average electric  Bill: $262
  • Gas $72
  • Water - pcwa $75
  • Sewer - South Placer Municipal Utility District - $45
  • Trash - Recology $30.01 $90.03 quarter

3. Rocklin is at least $164 more per month in utilities

Total comparison: Rocklin has more expensive homes, more expensive housing costs, and more expensive living costs. Expect to pay at least $250 more per month to live in Rocklin.

Why would people choose to live there?

The landscape is one highlight: Rocklin has more hills where as Roseville is a bit more flat.

Rocklin has higher ratings on their public schools, while  Roseville schools are rated well but not as high.

It really just boils down to preference. Each neighborhood has its own character and many of the clients that we’ve helped have expressed that! That’s why it’s really important to look beyond just the specs, criteria and overall monthly budget for each one but really spend the time to get out there and get a feel for the area.

 Curious to see what homes are currently available in Roseville or Rocklin?

Click the link in the description box to take a peek at what’s live on the market right now!

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